2223 - Queen Parrotfish/Intermediate - Scarus vetula - 60cm
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Grenadines/St Vincent & Grenadines - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Gar Cullen
1228 - Queen Parrotfish/Terminal - Scarus vetula - 60cm
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Bari Reef/Kralendijk/Bonaire - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Bart Hazes
Picture Rating: 7.00
1183 - Queen Parrotfish/Terminal - Scarus vetula - 60cm
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Sampler/Kralendijk/Bonaire - Caribbean Sea
Eating from a threespot Damsel's turf patch. Shortly after the shot the tiny damsel chased the parrotfish away.
Photographer: Bart Hazes
1287 - Queen Parrotfish/Terminal - Scarus vetula - 60cm
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Bari Reef/Kralendijk/Bonaire - Caribbean Sea
This one is being cleaned by a group of initial bluehead wrasse.
Photographer: Bart Hazes
5947 - Queen Parrotfish/Terminal - Scarus vetula - 60cm
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Thousand Steps/Kralendijk/Bonaire - Caribbean Sea
Trumpetfish shadowing
Photographer: Dave Cullen