2579 - Rosy Razorfish/Male - Xyrichtys martinicensis - 15cm
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Santa Rosa/Cozumel/Mexico - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Bart Hazes
2583 - Rosy Razorfish/Male - Xyrichtys martinicensis - 15cm
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Newmans wall/Roatan/Honduras - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Bart Hazes
2581 - Rosy Razorfish/Juvenile - Xyrichtys martinicensis - 15cm
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Cocoview front yard/Roatan/Honduras - Caribbean Sea
Very early juvenile dived under the sand on my approach. Here it is just getting back out.
Photographer: Bart Hazes
2582 - Rosy Razorfish/Juvenile - Xyrichtys martinicensis - 15cm
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Cocoview front yard/Roatan/Honduras - Caribbean Sea
Very early juvenile in 4 foot of water. It had been buried under the sand and just came back out.
Photographer: Bart Hazes
2969 - Live sharksucker - Echeneis naucrates - 110cm
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Marsa Abu Dabab/Marsa Alam/Egypt - Red Sea
Free swimming individual showing the sucker on its back. The tail is from a second individual sucked onto the shell of a turtle.
Photographer: Bart Hazes
Picture Rating: 8.00