2666 - Arabian Cleaner Wrasse/Initial - Larabicus quadrilineatus - 11cm
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Ulysses/Sharm el Sheikh/Egypt - Red Sea
Bad shot I know, but a new species for the database. The little blue stripey fish middle bottom of the photo!
Photographer: Dave Cullen
3256 - Arabian Cleaner Wrasse/Initial - Larabicus quadrilineatus - 11cm
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Marsa Shagra North/Marsa Alam/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: Dave Cullen
3625 - Barred Thicklip Wrasse - Hemigymnus sexfasciatus - 50cm
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Kani Thila/North Ari Atoll/Maldives - Indian Ocean
Photographer: Dave Cullen
9843 - Barred Thicklip Wrasse - Hemigymnus sexfasciatus - 50cm
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Kuda Rah Thila/South Ari Atoll/Maldives - Indian Ocean
Photographer: Dave Cullen
9844 - Barred Thicklip Wrasse - Hemigymnus sexfasciatus - 50cm
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Kuda Rah Thila/South Ari Atoll/Maldives - Indian Ocean
Photographer: Dave Cullen