355 - Black-faced Blenny - Tripterygion delaisi - 9cm
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Estartit/Spain - Mediterranean Sea
Photographer: Gerard Bondoux
Picture Rating: 7.00

319 - Bird Wrasse - Gomphosus caeruleus - 30cm
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Safaga/Egypt - Red Sea
Klunzingers wrasse on the left and Bird wrasse on the right
Photographer: Gerard Bondoux
Picture Rating: 6.00

322 - Humphead Wrasse - Cheilinus undulatus - 230cm
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Safaga/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: Gerard Bondoux
Picture Rating: 9.00

320 - Klunzingers Wrasse - Thalassoma rueppellii - 20cm
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Safaga/Egypt - Red Sea
Klunzingers wrasse on the left and Bird wrasse on the right
Photographer: Gerard Bondoux

354 - Rainbow Wrasse/Male/Terminal - Coris julis - 25cm
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Estartit/Spain - Mediterranean Sea
Photographer: Gerard Bondoux