2128 - Yellow Tang - Zebrasoma flavescens - 20cm
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Tunnels Reef/Princeville, Kauai/USA - Pacific Ocean
Photographer: Kelly Remy
2130 - Boomerang Triggerfish - Sufflamen bursa - 30cm
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Tunnel's Reef/Princeville, Kauai/USA - Pacific Ocean
Photographer: Kelly Remy
2131 - Pinktail Triggerfish - Melichthys vidua - 40cm
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Tunnel's Reef/Princeville, Kauai/USA - Pacific Ocean
Photographer: Kelly Remy
2125 - Trumpetfish - Aulostomus maculatus - 100cm
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Sunset House/George Town/Grand Cayman - Caribbean Sea
It is really neat to see that these trumpetfish can change colors. The ones seen at Cayman were usually orange/brown, but some were yellow and some had purple noses. I have heard of them being red too.
Photographer: Kelly Remy
Picture Rating: 8.00
2119 - Spotted Trunkfish - Lactophrys bicaudalis - 45cm
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Sunset House Reef/George Town/Grand Cayman - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Kelly Remy
Picture Rating: 8.00