1416 - Chessboard Blennie - Starksia sluiteri - 2cm
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Hato/Kralendijk/Bonaire - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Peter de Graaf
Picture Rating: 10.00

1409 - Dusky Blenny - Malacoctenus gilli - 7cm
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Onima/Kralendijk/Bonaire - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Peter de Graaf
Picture Rating: 9.50

1414 - Goldline Blenny - Malacoctenus aurolineatus - 5cm
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Carib Inn/Kralendijk/Bonaire - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Peter de Graaf
Picture Rating: 10.00

1407 - Longhorn Blenny - Hypsoblennius exstochilus - 5cm
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Onima/Kralendijk/Bonaire - Caribbean Sea
Found this longhorn blenny in the bay of Onima close to shore. It is missing one cirri!
Photographer: Peter de Graaf
Picture Rating: 9.50

1411 - Medusa Blenny - Acanthemblemaria medusa - 3cm
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Onima/Kralendijk/Bonaire - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Peter de Graaf
Picture Rating: 10.00