8270 - Queen Triggerfish - Balistes vetula - 60cm
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The Infinity Bay Resort/Roatan/Honduras - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: jeff duprau
7340 - Redeye Triplefin - Enneanectes pectoralis - 4cm
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Infinity Bay Resort/Roatan/Honduras - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: jeff duprau
7341 - Redeye Triplefin - Enneanectes pectoralis - 4cm
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Infinity Bay Resort/Roatan/Honduras - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: jeff duprau
7342 - Redeye Triplefin - Enneanectes pectoralis - 4cm
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Infinity Bay Resort/Roatan/Honduras - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: jeff duprau
5538 - Roughhead Triplefin - Enneanectes boehlkei - 3cm
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The Money Bar/Cozumel/Mexico - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: jeff duprau