8679 - Royal Angelfish - Pygoplites diacanthus - 25cm
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Marsa Alam/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: michel kuijpers

8676 - Sea Goldie - Pseudanthias squamipinnis - 15cm
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Marsa Alam/Egypt - Red Sea
More a shot of the corel, but with plenty of goldies around.
Photographer: michel kuijpers

7867 - Highfin fangblenny - Petroscirtes mitratus - 8.5cm
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Mangrove Bay/Marsa aLAM/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: michel kuijpers

7868 - Highfin fangblenny - Petroscirtes mitratus - 8.5cm
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Mangrove Bay/Marsa aLAM/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: michel kuijpers

8677 - Leopard blenny - Exallias brevis - 20cm
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Marsa Alam/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: michel kuijpers
Picture Rating: 10.00