4173 - Red Sea Toby - Canthigaster margaritata - 12cm
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Naama Bay/Sharm el Sheikh/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: richardm-b
4176 - Whitespotted Puffer - Arothron hispidus - 25cm
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Naama Bay/Sharm el Sheikh/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: richardm-b
4150 - Live sharksucker - Echeneis naucrates - 110cm
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Maya Bay/Sharm el Sheikh/Egypt - Red Sea
One of a pair clinging to the shell of a Green Sea Turtle.
Photographer: richardm-b
4175 - Speckled Sandperch/Male - Parapercis hexophthalma - 26cm
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Naama Bay/Sharm el Sheikh/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: richardm-b
4145 - Silverspot Squirrelfish - Sargocentron caudimaculatum - 25cm
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Fiddle Garden/Sharm el Sheikh/Egypt - Red Sea
Aka Tailspot Squirrelfish
Photographer: richardm-b