5984 - Slender Grouper - Anyperodon leucogrammicus - 52cm
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Vilamendhoo/South Ari Atoll/Maldives - Indian Ocean
Photographer: trevorf

5992 - Indian Ocean Oriental Sweetlips - Plectorhinchus vittatus - 86cm
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Vilamendhoo/South Ari Atoll/Maldives - Indian Ocean
Photographer: trevorf

5991 - Rainbow Runner - Elagatis bipinnulata - 120cm
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Vilamendhoo/South Ari Atoll/Maldives - Indian Ocean
Together with some Bluefin Trevally. The Rainbow Runner are the longer sleeker fish in the photo
Photographer: trevorf

5976 - Houndfish - Tylosurus crocodilus - 150cm
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Vilamendhoo/South Ari Atoll/Maldives - Indian Ocean
Tentative id based on shorter looking snout
Photographer: trevorf

5986 - Bicolour Parrotfish/Female - Cetoscarus bicolor - 80cm
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Vilamendhoo/South Ari Atoll/Maldives - Indian Ocean
Photographer: trevorf