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Show Postcard Size31 Photos/29 Species
Butterflyfish - Lined Butterflyfish - Chaetodon lineolatusButterflyfish - Ornate Butterflyfish - Chaetodon ornatissimusButterflyfish - Racoon Butterflyfish - Chaetodon lunulaButterflyfish - Threadfin Butterflyfish - Chaetodon aurigaButterflyfish - Tinkers Butterflyfish - Chaetodon tinkeri
Damselfish - Pacific Gregory - Stegastes fasciolatusDamselfish - Rock Damselfish - Plectroglyphidodon sindonisFilefish - Scrawled Filefish - Aluterus scriptusFrogfish - Spotfin Frogfish - Antennarius nummiferGroupers - Peacock Grouper - Cephalopholis argus
Hawkfish - Blackside Hawkfish - Paracirrhites forsteriHawkfish - Stocky Hawkfish - Cirrhitus pinnulatusMoray - Vagrant Moray - Gymnothorax buroensisMoray - Whitemouth Moray Eel - Gymnothorax meleagrisSquirrelfish - Pearly Soldierfish - Myripristis kuntee
Surgeonfish - Bluespine Unicornfish - Naso unicornisSurgeonfish - Convict Surgeonfish - Acanthurus triostegusSurgeonfish - Orangespine Surgeonfish - Naso lituratusSurgeonfish - Yellow Tang - Zebrasoma flavescensSurgeonfish - Yellow Tang - Zebrasoma flavescens
Triggerfish - Black Durgon - Melichthys nigerTriggerfish - Blue Jaw Triggerfish - Xanthichtthys auromarginatusTriggerfish - Picasso Triggerfish - Rhinecanthus aculeatusTriggerfish - Reef Triggerfish - Rhinecanthus rectangulusTrumpetfish - Golden Trumpetfish - Aulostomus chinensis
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