1569 - Common Starfish - Echinaster Sepositus - 30cm
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Atlantida/Los Gigantes/Tenerife - Atlantic Ocean
Starfish with Diamema Antillarum (lime urchin)
Photographer: Mike Moon

1572 - Black Tailed Comber - Serranus atricauda - 43cm
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La Atlantida/Los Gigantes/Tenerife - Atlantic Ocean
Black Tailed Comber on Sponges
Photographer: Mike Moon
Picture Rating: 10.00

1566 - Bluefin Damselfish/Male - Abudefduf luridus - 15cm
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Los Gigantes/Tenerife - Atlantic Ocean
Bluefin Damselfish on Sponges
Photographer: Mike Moon

1570 - Blue-striped Lizardfish - Synodus saurus - 43cm
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Atlantida/Los Gigantes/Tenerife - Atlantic Ocean
Possibly s. synodus. But spot on the nose not obvious. Comments please
Photographer: Mike Moon

3899 - Fangtooth moray - Enchelycore anatina - 120cm
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Pal Mar Cave/Playa de las Americas/Tenerife - Atlantic Ocean
Photographer: Philippe