9329 - Highhat/Male/Intermediate - Pareques acuminatus - 20cm
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Mount Irvine Reef/Mount Irvine/Tobago - Caribbean Sea
Hiding in the shadow of the corals...
Photographer: TobagoDiver

2219 - Reef Croaker - Odontoscion dentex - 18cm
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Turtle beach/Plymouth/Tobago - Caribbean Sea
A rare fish
Photographer: Gar Cullen
Picture Rating: 2.00

980 - Spotted Drum - Equetus punctatus - 25cm
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Arnos Vale/Plymouth/Tobago - Caribbean Sea
It was another murky day underwater. The extra spots are particles in the water!
Photographer: Dave Cullen

91 - Spotted Drum - Equetus punctatus - 25cm
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Tobago - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Gar Cullen
Picture Rating: 6.00

979 - Orangespotted Filefish - Cantherhines pullus - 20cm
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Arnos Vale/Plymouth/Tobago - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Dave Cullen