2714 - Doublebar Bream - Acanthopagrus bifasciatus - 50cm
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Thistlegorm/Sharm el Sheikh/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: Dave Cullen
76 - Doublebar Bream - Acanthopagrus bifasciatus - 50cm
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Sharm el Sheikh/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: Gar Cullen
Picture Rating: 3.00
7860 - Gilt-head Bream - Sparus Aurata - 35cm
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Gumusluk/Bodrum/Turkey - Mediterranean Sea
Gilt-head bream and school of Sarma Salpa in the background
Photographer: Levend Gokce
3641 - Golden Spinecheek - Scolopsis aurata - 23cm
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Kani Thila/North Ari Atoll/Maldives - Indian Ocean
Photographer: Dave Cullen
5465 - Picnic sea bream - Acanthopagrus berda - 75cm
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Sahl Hasheesh (near Hurghada)/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: Fiona