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Show as thumbnails132 Photos/26 Species
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Jacks - Bluefin Trevally

3131 - Bluefin Trevally - Caranx melampygus - 100cm

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Marsa Shagra/Marsa Alam/Egypt - Red Sea

Photographer: Gar Cullen

Jacks - Bluefin Trevally

3361 - Bluefin Trevally - Caranx melampygus - 100cm

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Marsa Shagra South/Marsa Alam/Egypt - Red Sea

Photographer: Dave Cullen

Jacks - Bluefin Trevally

3409 - Bluefin Trevally - Caranx melampygus - 100cm

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Marsa Shagra South/Marsa Alam/Egypt - Red Sea

Photographer: Dave Cullen

Jacks - Bluefin Trevally

9407 - Bluefin Trevally - Caranx melampygus - 100cm

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Playa Santa Maria/Cabo San Lucas/Mexico - Pacific Ocean

Photographer: jeff duprau

Jacks - Bluefin Trevally

9408 - Bluefin Trevally - Caranx melampygus - 100cm

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Playa Santa Maria/Cabo San Lucas/Mexico - Pacific Ocean

Photographer: jeff duprau

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