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Bodianus rufus

Show as thumbnails34 Photos/1 Species
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Hogfish - Spanish Hogfish

3992 - Spanish Hogfish - Bodianus rufus - 15cm

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Bonaire - Caribbean Sea

With two trumpetfish each trying to match a different colour on the Hogfish AND get lunch at the same time.

Photographer: Gar Cullen

Hogfish - Spanish Hogfish

3993 - Spanish Hogfish - Bodianus rufus - 15cm

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Bonaire - Caribbean Sea

My teeth are just fine.

Photographer: Gar Cullen

Hogfish - Spanish Hogfish

5854 - Spanish Hogfish - Bodianus rufus - 15cm

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Buddy reef/Kralendijk/Bonaire - Caribbean Sea

Photographer: Dave Cullen

Hogfish - Spanish Hogfish

6015 - Spanish Hogfish - Bodianus rufus - 15cm

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Barcelo Maya/Mexico - Caribbean Sea

Photographer: jeff duprau

Hogfish - Spanish Hogfish

6024 - Spanish Hogfish - Bodianus rufus - 15cm

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Barcelo Maya/Mexico - Caribbean Sea

The little fish!

Photographer: jeff duprau

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