3334 - Sea Goldie/Female - Pseudanthias squamipinnis - 15cm
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Marsa Shagra North/Marsa Alam/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: Dave Cullen
4158 - Sea Goldie/Female - Pseudanthias squamipinnis - 15cm
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Middle Garden/Sharm el Sheikh/Egypt - Red Sea
Wonderful contrast against the vivid green coral.
Photographer: richardm-b
1607 - Sea Goldie/Male - Pseudanthias squamipinnis - 15cm
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Ras Nasrani/Sharm el Sheikh/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: Gar Cullen
2284 - Sea Goldie/Male - Pseudanthias squamipinnis - 15cm
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Alternatives/Sharm el Sheik/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: Dave Cullen
2766 - Sea Goldie/Male - Pseudanthias squamipinnis - 15cm
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Yolanda and Shark Reef/Sharm el Sheikh/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: Dave Cullen