8779 - Sevinspine Bay Shrimp - Crangon septemspinosa
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Old Silver Beach/Falmouth, MA/United States - Atlantic Ocean
Photographer: jeff duprau
8780 - Sevinspine Bay Shrimp - Crangon septemspinosa
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Old Silver Beach/Falmouth, MA/United States - Atlantic Ocean
Photographer: jeff duprau
6887 - Inland Silverside - Menidia beryllina - 7cm
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Stony Beach/Woods Hole, MA/United States - Atlantic Ocean
Photographer: jeff duprau
6341 - Clearnose Skate - Raja eglanteria - 100cm
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Corporation Beach/Dennis, MA/United States - Atlantic Ocean
This is the egg case of the Clearnose Skate.
Photographer: jeff duprau
1258 - Yellowtail Snapper - Ocyurus chrysurus - 75cm
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Maria Chiquila/Guardalavaca/Cuba - Atlantic Ocean
January 2006
Photographer: Jupiter