1324 - Dwarf Rockfish - Scorpaena loppei - 15cm
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L'Escala/Spain - Mediterranean Sea
Photographer: Gaynor Rosier
1868 - Dwarf Rockfish - Scorpaena loppei - 15cm
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La Herradura playa/La Herradura/Spain - Mediterranean Sea
Tentative id due to the colour not being what i'd expect but everything else looks right to me.
Photographer: Get Wet Photo Inc.
357 - Red Scorpionfish - Scorpaena notata - 20cm
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Estartit/Spain - Mediterranean Sea
Photographer: Gerard Bondoux
Picture Rating: 9.00
1325 - Red Scorpionfish - Scorpaena scrofa - 50cm
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L'Escala/Spain - Mediterranean Sea
Photographer: Gaynor Rosier
1326 - Red Scorpionfish - Scorpaena scrofa - 50cm
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L'Escala/Spain - Mediterranean Sea
Photographer: Gaynor Rosier