1471 - Pharaoh Cuttlefish - Sepia pharaonis - 42cm
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Koh Binda Nok/Phi Phi Island/Thailand - Andaman Sea
Taken 5th February 2007.
Dave; this is to replace the one you already have. This one is a better size.
Photographer: Jupiter
Picture Rating: 10.00

1260 - Golden Damselfish - Amblyglyphidodon aureus - 15cm
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Koh Binda Nok/Phi Phi Island/Thailand - Andaman Sea
February 2007
Photographer: Jupiter

1238 - Coral Grouper - Cephalopholis miniata - 40cm
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Koh Binda Nok/Phuket/Thailand - Andaman Sea
Photographer: Jupiter

1264 - Star Puffer - Arothron stellatus - 120cm
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Koh Binda Nok/Phuket/Thailand - Andaman Sea
February 2007
Photographer: Jupiter

1270 - Powder Blue - Acanthurus leucosternon - 20cm
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Koh Binda Nok/Phi Phi Island/Thailand - Andaman Sea
February 2007
Photographer: Jupiter