2311 - French Grunt - Haemulon flavolineatum - 30cm
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Cocoview front yard/Roatan/Honduras - Caribbean Sea
Night dive. Generally pale coloration compared to day time pattern.
Photographer: Bart Hazes
2313 - French Grunt/Juvenile - Haemulon flavolineatum - 30cm
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Cocoview front yard/Roatan/Honduras - Caribbean Sea
Night dive. Found near site where there were a lot of juvenile French grunts during the day. Like the adults, the night time color pattern is generally a bleached version of the day time coloration.
Photographer: Bart Hazes
2314 - French Grunt/Juvenile - Haemulon flavolineatum - 30cm
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Cocoview front yard/Roatan/Honduras - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Bart Hazes
2312 - French Grunt/Intermediate - Haemulon flavolineatum - 30cm
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Cocoview front yard/Roatan/Honduras - Caribbean Sea
Young individual with both juvenile and adult markings.
Photographer: Bart Hazes
2346 - Redear herring/Juvenile - Harengula humerali - 20cm
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Cocoview front yard/Roatan/Honduras - Caribbean Sea
ID tentative. Formed schools of about 5cm long individuals swimming along sand/sea grass boundaries in less than 2 foot of water.
Photographer: Bart Hazes