2809 - Steepheaded Parrotfish/Terminal - Scarus gibbus - 70cm
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Tiran - Woodhouse Reef/Sharm el Sheikh/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: Dave Cullen
2810 - Black Snapper - Macolor niger - 65cm
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Tiran - Woodhouse Reef/Sharm el Sheikh/Egypt - Red Sea
The fish at the bottom left is a sleek unicornfish (Naso hexacanthus)
Photographer: Dave Cullen
Picture Rating: 8.00
2811 - Sleek Unicornfish - Naso hexacanthus - 70cm
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Tiran - Woodhouse Reef/Sharm el Sheikh/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: Dave Cullen
2801 - Checkerboard Wrasse - Halichoeres hortulanus - 30cm
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Tiran - Woodhouse Reef/Sharm el Sheikh/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: Dave Cullen
2804 - Slingjaw Wrasse/Male - Epibulus insidiator - 38cm
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Tiran - Woodhouse Reef/Sharm el Sheikh/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: Dave Cullen