2824 - Surmullet/Juvenile - Mullus surmuletus - 40cm
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Cala Montgo/L'Escala/Spain - Mediterranean Sea
Juveniles had this pearly shine on their flanks and often moved in schools of up to ~20 individuals. They also regularly swam with initial phase mediterranean rainbow wrasse, appearing to try and blend in with these somewhat similar looking fish.
Photographer: Bart Hazes
2828 - Axillary Wrasse/Initial - Symphodus mediterraneus - 18cm
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Cala Montgo/L'Escala/Spain - Mediterranean Sea
Photographer: Bart Hazes
2827 - Axillary Wrasse/Terminal - Symphodus mediterraneus - 18cm
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Cala Montgo/L'Escala/Spain - Mediterranean Sea
Photographer: Bart Hazes
2835 - Brown Wrasse - Labrus merula - 45cm
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Cala Montgo/L'Escala/Spain - Mediterranean Sea
Photographer: Bart Hazes
2825 - Grey Wrasse - Symphodus cinereus - 16cm
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Cala Montgo/L'Escala/Spain - Mediterranean Sea
This species often, but not always, has a dark spot at the bottom of the tail base, where the base changes into the caudal fin. Also often 1 or 2 horizontal lines.
Photographer: Bart Hazes