811 - Trumpetfish - Aulostomus maculatus - 100cm
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The canons/Breezes Jibacoa/Cuba - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Bart Hazes

247 - Honeycomb Cowfish - Acanthostracion polygonia - 48cm
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The canons/Breezes Jibacoa/Cuba - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Bart Hazes
Picture Rating: 6.00

809 - Spotted Trunkfish - Lactophrys bicaudalis - 45cm
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The canons/Breezes Jibacoa/Cuba - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Bart Hazes

240 - Bluehead Wrasse/Juvenile - Thalassoma bifasciatum - 20cm
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The canons/Breezes Jibacoa/Cuba - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Bart Hazes
Picture Rating: 6.00

261 - Slippery Dick/Juvenile - Halichoeres bivittatus - 20cm
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The canons/Breezes Jibacoa/Cuba - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Bart Hazes
Picture Rating: 8.00