6310 - Bicolour Parrotfish/Juvenile - Cetoscarus bicolor - 80cm
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Eden Island/Port Victoria/Seychelles - Indian Ocean
Quite an unusual siting
Photographer: Snaz

6950 - Gold Bar Wrasse/Male - Thalassoma hebraicum - 28cm
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Eden Island/Victoria/Seychelles - Indian Ocean
Swimming with what appeared to be the female. (Smaller with insignificant gold bar)
Photographer: Snaz

6307 - Slingjaw Wrasse/Female/Juvenile - Epibulus insidiator - 38cm
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Eden Island/Port Victoria/Seychelles - Indian Ocean
Not often seen Juvenile Sling Jaw Wrasse
Photographer: Snaz

6309 - Surge Wrasse - Thalassoma purpureum - 50cm
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Eden Island/Port Victoria/Seychelles - Indian Ocean
Common along shallow reefs
Photographer: Snaz

10061 - Tripletail Wrasse - Cheilinus trilobatus - 45cm
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Eden Island/Port Victoria/Seychelles - Indian Ocean
In shallow reef of Anse Bernitier
Photographer: Snaz