2843 - Painted Comber - Serranus scriba - 36cm
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Cala Montgo, Port del Rei/L'Escala/Spain - Mediterranean Sea
Pair in courtship or territorial display. Got a few shots but this was the only sharp one.
Photographer: Bart Hazes

2847 - Longsnout wrasse - symphodus rostratus - 13cm
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Cala Montgo, Port del Rei/L'Escala/Spain - Mediterranean Sea
fishbase does not list a common name so I have taken the liberty to choose one. Just know it is not official. Color can vary from iridiscent yellow-green to grey, and brown. Often blends in with IP oscellated and grey wrasse.
Photographer: Bart Hazes

2848 - Longsnout wrasse - symphodus rostratus - 13cm
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Cala Montgo, Port del Rei/L'Escala/Spain - Mediterranean Sea
Common name is not official. The two dark stripes on the flank are often but not always present.
Photographer: Bart Hazes