6833 - Yellow Boxfish/Male - Ostracion cubicus - 45cm
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Nabq Bay/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: adam
6840 - Unknown - Unknown
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Nabq Bay/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: adam
5968 - Bird Wrasse/Male - Gomphosus caeruleus - 30cm
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Nabq Bay/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: adam
4025 - Broomtail Wrasse - Cheilinus lunulatus - 50cm
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Nabq Bay/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: adam
5958 - Broomtail Wrasse/Female - Cheilinus lunulatus - 50cm
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Nabq Bay/Egypt - Red Sea
Rabbitfish in front of the wrasse possibly Siganus rivulatus in mottled variant, similar to the pattern when they sleep.
Photographer: adam