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Sharm el Sheik

Show as thumbnails575 Photos/176 Species
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Butterflyfish - Chevroned Butterflyfish

1799 - Chevroned Butterflyfish - Chaetodon trifascialis - 20cm

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White Knight Beach/Sharm El Sheikh/Egypt - Red Sea

Photographer: Thomas Bouquin

Butterflyfish - Chevroned Butterflyfish

2291 - Chevroned Butterflyfish - Chaetodon trifascialis - 20cm

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Alternatives/Sharm el Sheik/Egypt - Red Sea

Photographer: Dave Cullen

Butterflyfish - Chevroned Butterflyfish

2649 - Chevroned Butterflyfish - Chaetodon trifascialis - 20cm

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Chrisola K/Sharm el Sheikh/Egypt - Red Sea

Photographer: Dave Cullen

Butterflyfish - Chevroned Butterflyfish

3824 - Chevroned Butterflyfish - Chaetodon trifascialis - 20cm

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Tiran Strait/Sharm el Sheikh/Egypt - Red Sea

Photographer: Alan Browne

Butterflyfish - Chevroned Butterflyfish

3996 - Chevroned Butterflyfish - Chaetodon trifascialis - 20cm

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Far Garden Reef/Sharm el Sheikh/Egypt - Red Sea

Photographer: Bill Rippon

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