8535 - Dwarf Wrasse - Doratonotus megalepis - 9cm
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The Infinity Bay Resort/Roatan/Honduras - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: jeff duprau
8463 - Puddingwife - Halichoeres radiatus - 51cm
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The Infinity Bay Resort/Roatan/Honduras - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: jeff duprau
9189 - Slippery Dick - Halichoeres bivittatus - 20cm
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The Infinity Bay Resort/Roatan/Honduras - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: jeff duprau
9193 - Slippery Dick - Halichoeres bivittatus - 20cm
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The Infinity Bay Resort/Roatan/Honduras - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: jeff duprau
8462 - Yellowhead Wrasse - Halichoeres garnoti - 20cm
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The Infinity Bay Resort/Roatan/Honduras - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: jeff duprau