669 - Blackfin Barracuda - Sphyraena qenie - 170cm
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Daedalus reef/Marsa Alam/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: Pjotr
Picture Rating: 7.75

6355 - Hammerhead - Sphyrnidae
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Daedalus reef/Marsa Alam/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: Patrick

670 - Blue Spotted Stingray - Taeniura lymma - 50cm
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Daedalus reef/Marsa Alam/Egypt - Red Sea
I think i named this one wrong, it should be the "bluespotted ribbontail ray" or "Taeniura lymma"
Photographer: Pjotr
Picture Rating: 8.00

672 - Titan Triggerfish - Balistoides viridescens - 75cm
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Daedalus reef/Marsa Alam/Egypt - Red Sea
Also known as "Moustache triggerfish"
Photographer: Pjotr
Picture Rating: 9.00