933 - Bigeye - Priacanthus arenatus - 30cm
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Dutchmans Reef/Mount Irvine/Tobago - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Dave Cullen

935 - Foureye Butterflyfish - Chaetodon capistratus - 15cm
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Dutchmans Reef/Mount Irvine/Tobago - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Dave Cullen
Picture Rating: 6.00

3434 - Barred Hamlet - Hypoplectrus puella - 15cm
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Dutchmans Reef/Mount Irvine/Tobago - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Dave Cullen
Picture Rating: 9.00

932 - Barred Hamlet - Hypoplectrus puella - 15cm
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Dutchmans Reef/Mount Irvine/Tobago - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Dave Cullen

936 - Golden Hamlet - Hypoplectrus gummigutta - 10cm
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Dutchmans Reef/Mount Irvine/Tobago - Caribbean Sea
This is a visitor from the north Caribbean. They appeared to be quite common now around Mount Irvine.
Photographer: Dave Cullen