1461 - Saddled Blenny - Malacoctenus triangulatus - 6cm
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Florida Keys/USA - Atlantic Ocean
Photographer: Dan Bracuk

1459 - Highhat - Pareques acuminatus - 20cm
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Florida Keys/Marathon/USA - Atlantic Ocean
Photographer: Dan Bracuk

1458 - Orange Filefish - Aluterus schoepfii - 50cm
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Florida Keys/Marathon/USA - Atlantic Ocean
Photographer: Dan Bracuk

1460 - Bridled Goby - Coryphopterus glaucofraenum - 7cm
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Florida Keys/USA - Atlantic Ocean
A white fish in the sand. This did not appear to be in the blennie collection. I don't expect high ratings for this picture, I'm just adding to the db.
Photographer: Dan Bracuk

677 - Green Moray - Gymnothorax funebris - 180cm
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Florida Keys/Key Largo/United States - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Doug Horspool