1576 - Lyretail Angelfish/Male - Genicanthus caudovittatus - 20cm
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Tiran - Jackson Reef/Sharm el Sheikh/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: Dave Cullen
Picture Rating: 7.00

1590 - Crown Butterflyfish - Chaetodon paucifasciatus - 15cm
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Tiran - Jackson Reef/Sharm el Sheikh/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: Dave Cullen
Picture Rating: 7.00

1583 - Striped Butterflyfish - Chaetodon fasciatus - 20cm
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Tiran - Jackson Reef/Sharm el Sheikh/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: Dave Cullen

2796 - Blue Green Damselfish - Chromis viridis - 8cm
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Tiran - Jackson Reef/Sharm el Sheikh/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: Dave Cullen

1562 - Red Sea Anemonefish - Amphiprion bicinctus - 14cm
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Jackson Reef,Straits of Tiran,Eg/Sharm el Sheikh/Egypt - Red Sea
First photo of the holiday...
Photographer: Nicola Brinton
Picture Rating: 9.00