298 - Glasseye Snapper - Heteropriacanthus cruentatus - 30cm
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The anchor/Breezes Jibacoa/Cuba - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Bart Hazes
Picture Rating: 6.00

287 - Saddled Blenny - Malacoctenus triangulatus - 6cm
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The anchor/Breezes Jibacoa/Cuba - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Bart Hazes
Picture Rating: 7.00

294 - Spinyhead Blenny - Acanthemblemaria spinosa - 3cm
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The anchor/Breezes Jibacoa/Cuba - Caribbean Sea
Tentative identification based on tiny cirri and lack of white gill stripe as for secretary blenny
Photographer: Bart Hazes
Picture Rating: 9.00

275 - Brown Garden Eel - Heteroconger longisimus - 50cm
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The anchor/Breezes Jibacoa/Cuba - Caribbean Sea
It's hard to get close to these fellas. The bend soda straw form on the left is the typical shape. Two others are almost fully retracted into their burrows. Identification based on shallow depth of ~30 ft. Yellow garden eel typically below 60 ft.
Photographer: Bart Hazes
Picture Rating: 2.00

576 - Beaugregory Damselfish - Stegastes leucostictus - 10cm
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The anchor/Breezes Jibacoa/Cuba - Caribbean Sea
Yellowline Arrow Crab in the back
Photographer: Bart Hazes
Picture Rating: 9.00