1420 - Seaweed Blenny - Parablennius marmoreus - 8.5cm
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L'Escala/Spain - Mediterranean Sea
This is a tentative ID as the Seaweed Blenny only appears to be reported in the Caribbean.
Photographer: Gaynor Rosier
Picture Rating: 7.00

1247 - Shanny - Lipophrys pholis - 20cm
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L'Escala/Spain - Mediterranean Sea
Photographer: Gaynor Rosier
Picture Rating: 9.00

1248 - Sphinx Blenny - Aidablennius sphynx - 8cm
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L'Escala/Spain - Mediterranean Sea
Photographer: Gaynor Rosier
Picture Rating: 8.50

1249 - Sphinx Blenny/Juvenile - Aidablennius sphynx - 8cm
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L'Escala/Spain - Mediterranean Sea
Photographer: Gaynor Rosier
Picture Rating: 8.00

1250 - Striped Blenny - Parablennius rouxi - 8cm
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L'Escala/Spain - Mediterranean Sea
Photographer: Gaynor Rosier
Picture Rating: 7.00