6308 - Tompot Blenny - Parablennius gattorugine - 30cm
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Anse Royale/Port Victoria/Seychelles - Indian Ocean
Photographer: Snaz

5598 - Bridled Monocle Bream/Male - Scolopsis frenatus - 26cm
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All over the Seychelles/Port Victoria/Seychelles - Indian Ocean
After a further reference book search, this fish has now been identified as Scolopsis frenatus, which is marked as common in the Seychelles in Lieske/Myers book.
Photographer: Snaz

5599 - Scrawled Butterflyfish - Chaetodon meyeri - 18cm
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Eden Island/Port Victoria/Seychelles - Indian Ocean
Found on shallow reefs east of Eden Island
Photographer: Snaz

7343 - Zanzibar Butterfly Fish - Chaetodon zanzibarensis - 12cm
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Eden Island/Port Victoria/Seychelles - Indian Ocean
Pair of butterfly fish
Photographer: Snaz

6352 - Common Cuttlefish - Sepia Officinalis - 30cm
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Eden Island/Port Victoria/Seychelles - Indian Ocean
Hunting with at least10 other cuttlefish
Photographer: Snaz