2080 - Giant Moray - Gymnothorax javanicus - 300cm
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Gubal Barge/Sharm El Shiek/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: Patrick

2082 - Masked Puffer - Arothron diadematus - 30cm
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South Laguna/Sharm El Shiek/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: Patrick

3840 - Star Puffer - Arothron stellatus - 120cm
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The Alternatives/Sharm El Shiekh/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: Dale Scutts

2079 - Yellow Boxfish - Ostracion cubicus - 45cm
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Small Crack/Passage/Sharm El Shiek/Egypt - Red Sea
Photographer: Patrick

2081 - Yellow Boxfish - Ostracion cubicus - 45cm
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Shark Reef/Sharm El Shiek/Egypt - Red Sea
Two different ages of Yellow boxfish. [Bart: The yellow one is the female, the bluish one the male]
Photographer: Patrick