254 - Rock Beauty/Juvenile - Holacanthus tricolor - 20cm
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The canons/Breezes Jibacoa/Cuba - Caribbean Sea
Late juvenile, the white circle around the dark spot is just starting to disappear.
Photographer: Bart Hazes
Picture Rating: 7.00

569 - Saddled Blenny - Malacoctenus triangulatus - 6cm
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The canons/Breezes Jibacoa/Cuba - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Bart Hazes
Picture Rating: 9.00

808 - Secretary Blenny - Acanthemblemaria maria - 5cm
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The canons/Breezes Jibacoa/Cuba - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Bart Hazes

805 - Brown Chromis - Chromis multilineata - 15cm
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The canons/Breezes Jibacoa/Cuba - Caribbean Sea
No white spot at end of dorsal fin but it does have the dark borders on the tail fin. This one is garding a nest.
Photographer: Bart Hazes
Picture Rating: 7.00

804 - Brown Chromis/Juvenile - Chromis multilineata - 15cm
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The canons/Breezes Jibacoa/Cuba - Caribbean Sea
Note the white spot at end of dorsal fin and the dark borders on tail. Not seen in all adults
Photographer: Bart Hazes
Picture Rating: 7.00