921 - French Angelfish - Pomacanthus paru - 30cm
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George town/Grand Cayman - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Luc Vall
Picture Rating: 8.00

920 - French Angelfish - Pomacanthus paru - 30cm
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George town/Grand Cayman - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Luc Vall
Picture Rating: 4.00

2113 - Gray Angelfish - Pomacanthus arcuatus - 50cm
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Sunset House Reef/George Town/Grand Cayman - Caribbean Sea
This fish was very gregarious. Actually approaching and kissing the camera.
Photographer: Kelly Remy
Picture Rating: 9.00

2123 - Saddled Blenny - Malacoctenus triangulatus - 6cm
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Sunset House Reef/George Town/Grand Cayman - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Kelly Remy

2115 - Beaugregory Damselfish/Juvenile - Stegastes leucostictus - 10cm
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Sunset House Reef/George Town/Grand Cayman - Caribbean Sea
Photographer: Kelly Remy